Welcome to Shakemantle Glass

I have been working with fused glass, on and off, for thirty years, including 4 years at Queens road art college (Filton college). I was attracted to, and still love, glass for its ability to enhance and reflect light and colour, to make you pause a moment. 

In the past few years I have been collaborating with Ian Richardson, a skilled and experience sculptor and fabricator in steel and mixed media with experience in large public art projects. It is exciting to design and create these large outdoor metal and glass structures. The steel weaves through and secures the glass, allowing the vibrance of colour and its ability to respond to light and shade and the natural environment. These are large structures firmly secured on solid three pronged and staked bases.

On the other extreme, I create small, framed, jewel like pictures in dichroic glass.

I live and work surrounded by the trees of the Forest of Dean.

Please contact, pammoolman@icloud.com for enquiries re sales or commissions.